The first available date for a baptism service is June 2025.
Baptism Services: Beginning in June 2025, Holy Trinity Parish will now offer two Baptism Services. Both services will be held on the 3rd weekend of the month (unless specified) at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Ocean Grove. The day and times will be:
- Saturday at 11:00am
- Sunday at 1:00pm (please note change of time)
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Holy Trinity Parish celebrates the Sacrament of Baptism on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 12:30pm at Our Lady Star of Sea Church, Ocean Grove.
BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Please complete the online baptism request form (located below) and the baptism team will contact you to begin your baptism journey.
All families are required to attend baptism preparation. The baptism preparation must be done at least 2 months prior to the baptism. The baptism preparation is conducted on the 1st Saturday of each month. The session goes for approximately an hour.
Time: 10:00am
Location: Holy Trinity Parish Hall (34 Stevens Street, Queenscliff)
All school-aged children are required to attend the preparation session, along with their parents. At this family-based session, each school-aged child will be given a baptism booklet (fee below) and each family will be given a baptism pack.
Time: 10:00am
Location: Holy Trinity Parish Hall (34 Stevens Street, Queenscliff)
BAPTISM BOOKLET FEE (for school-aged children only)
The fee for the booklet is $10.00 per child. This payment must be made before the preparation date. Our bank details are:
BSB: 083-347
Account: 530 502 075
Account Name: Queenscliff Holy Trinity Parish Church Account
Reference: SURNAME baptism booklet
Families with baptism services booked includes a Welcoming Ceremony prior to the Baptism date.
The welcoming of new members into our local Christian community is an important event for the Parish. To enable the Parish to welcome your child/ren, you are asked to attend a weekend Parish Mass where you, the child/ren to be baptised and Godparents if they are available, will be presented to the community to be welcomed and prayed for. This is the beginning of your child/ren’s faith journey. The baptism team will contact you with available Mass times. Any questions can be directed to queenscliff.administration@cam.org.au. We look forward to welcoming your children into our Parish Community.
At least one Godparent must be Catholic, baptised and have had their Sacraments. Godparents must be over the age of 16. The role of a Godparent is to assist and support the parents with their child’s Catholic faith and journey. Godparents’ names must be confirmed by the Wednesday before the baptism date so certificates can be prepared for the day.
It is customary to give a gift of thanks for baptism. The gift of thanks goes towards ongoing support of the Baptism Program (administration, printing & resources, cleaning & disinfecting, priest’s stipend, baptism stole and baptism candle) and the general upkeep of the parish. Note: this fee is subject to change. Gift of thanks structure:
- $150.00 per family
Please make payment once your date has been confirmed by the Parish office, our bank details are as follows:
BSB: 083-347
Account: 530 502 075
Account Name: Queenscliff Holy Trinity Parish Church Account
Reference: SURNAME baptism service
If you reside outside of the Parish boundary, a letter of permission is required from your local Parish. Please see below for the Parish boundary.
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The Sacrament of Baptism in Holy Trinity Parish (Policy)
The birth of a child is cause for celebration not only within the individual families, but also within the family of the Catholic Church. When children receive the sacrament of Baptism they are welcomed into this family and reborn as children of God.
There are several key symbols in the baptismal rite that tie this first sacrament to Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection. Prior to Baptism, the priest uses special oil – Oil of Catechumens – to anoint the baby and protect them from evil. During the Rite, consecrated water is poured upon the baby’s head as a symbol of purification and rebirth through Christ.
Following the baptism, the priest anoints the baby with Oil of Chrism, which symbolises the gift of the Holy Spirit. By performing the Rite, a priest liberates the child from sin, brings them into the light of God’s love and prepares them for eternal salvation in heaven.
During the ceremony, the catholic parent/s make a commitment to raise their child according to the principles of the Church. They are also required to select Godparents to guide their child in life’s journey. Godparents act as role models and mentors and, consequently, parents should choose Godparents who have a firm belief in God and a commitment to the teachings of the Church. When choosing a Godparent, at least one of them must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptised, Confirmed and have received the Eucharist), over the age of 16 and not one of the parents. Together, parents, Godparents and the Catholic community as a whole provide an example for the baptised as they prepare for their full commitment to the Church through the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Baptism usually occurs during or after the Sunday Mass, however this may vary from one parish to the next. This first sacrament is a community event for your local parish; therefore, several families may have their child baptised at the same ceremony. Prior to the Baptism, most parishes require parents to attend a preparation session/s. It is normal practice for a donation (or gift of thanks) to be given by the parents to the parish. Some parishes will give a suggested amount for this donation. The gift of thanks goes towards ongoing support of the Baptism Program (administration & resources, cleaning & disinfecting, priest’s stipend, baptism stole and baptism candle) and the general upkeep of the parish. Note: this fee is subject to change.
Where neither parent is a Catholic and they desire for their child to be baptised Catholic, the parish priest will ask to meet both parents to discuss this request. The priest will explain that for the grace of Baptism to unfold, the parents’ help is important. The priest will need to ascertain that there is a ‘founded hope that the child will be raised Catholic’.
If the permanent residential address of the parents is outside the parish the parents must obtain a letter of permission from that parish priest before the baptism can go ahead in our parish.
If seeking baptism for a child who is in primary school, the parish may require that you and your child attend a preparation program. These programs are very useful as they help the child to understand what will take place in the ceremony.
Baptisms take place on the third weekend of the month (commencing June 2025), unless another Sacramental Celebration or Parish Event is to take place on that weekend. All baptisms are celebrated at Our Lady Star of the Sea Church (68 John Dory Drive, Ocean Grove) at 11:00am on the Saturday and 1:00pm on the Sunday.
For an appointment and enquiries, please contact the Parish Office. The Baptism Team is available on Wednesdays only.
Phone: 03 5258 1673
Email: queenscliff.administration@cam.org.au