Faith Development and Spirituality Group

The Faith Development and Spirituality Group

The Team grew out of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Program and was formed with the Parish Survey of 2017 in mind. It was approved by the Parish Pastoral Council in 2020 and supports the on-going commitment to Faith and Life opportunities within our Parish communities.


To encourage ourselves and fellow parishioners to grow in our faith and to aspire to live our lives as disciples of Jesus.

We do this by:

  • Prayerfully reflecting on our lives in the light of the Gospel
  • Using opportunities to enrich our lives by:
    • Advent and Lenten Reflection Groups
    • Facilitating and distributing copies of THE SWAG magazine
    • Advertising links to articles, events and zoom sessions
    • Organising events for the parish e.g. Visiting Speakers, Days of Reflection.
    • Encouraging the reading of the reflection on the Sunday Gospel, by Pope Francis at
    • Reflecting on the daily meditations featuring Richard Rohr ofm and the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC)

The Team meets regularly, including a Gospel reflection and “Where’s God been in my life?”


Name Phone Email
Michael Scott 0425 790 169
Rhonda Boyd 0428 933 673
Bill Fox 0427 362 667
Kerin Fox 0407 519 585
Sandra Gould 0418 537 941
Maree Moore 0439 047 574